Date: 15 Feb, 2019
Time: 5:00pm
Weather: 6C cloudy
Distance: 7km / roundtrip
Course type: pedestrian path
Elevation: 24m, mostly flat
Traffic Light: few
Start Point: Keihan Railway Demachiyanagi Station exit 5
Access: 30 mins by train from Kyoto station

- Running along the riverside of Kamogawa River in early evening, met quite a lot runners who might be preparing for Kyoto Marathon on 17 Feb.
- One of the most popular running routes in Kyoto, there are a few metro station along the way, so you can pick you start and finish point conveniently.
- After passing Shimogamo Shrine, you can extend the run by running north towards Kamikamo Shrine.

Exit 5 of Keihan Railway Demachiyanagi Station, start point of the run.

crossing the bridge to the left of the station.

Enter the outer gate of Shimogamo Shrine.

Passing Kawai Shrine, the God of beauty, near the entrance of Shimogamo Shrine.

The main door of Kawai Shrine.

This is the main path heading towards Shimogamo Shrine.

Getting close to the main area of Shimogamo Shrine.

Beautiful main entrance of Shimogamo Shrine.

Returning to the riverside.

Running southwards back to downtown, passing by Ritz Carlton Kyoto on the right.

Keep moving and passing by "kawatoko" restaurants, people eat at the balcony during summer.

The finish point of the run, near the bridge of Shijo Gion.

Turn right into Kawaharamachi where you will find a lot of shops and restaurants. A great place to spend the night at after run.