Date: 17 Jan, 2019
Time: 5:30pm
Weather: 16C cloudy with strong wind
Distance: 5km
Course type: Road
Elevation: 60m, partly gentle slop
Traffic Light: very few
Starting Point: Umikaji Terrace
Access: 15 mins free shuttle from Naha Yui-Rail Akamine Station

- It's a 2km run around Senaga Island, but you can keep running along the bay side highway towards the south with great ocean view.
- JPY200 locker service available at Umikaji Terrace resort shopping area, but you can try to ask the shop or the restaurant you used for free storage of your bag.
- recommend for sunset or early evening run, light up of the Terrace shops and the nearby airport are beautiful.

You will see a lot of pre-landings of planes everywhere on this running route.
